Device Scanning
Scan and track anything with a barcode... Rodent devices, Monitoring Stations, Insect Light Traps and more.
Meet the needs of your most demanding commercial accounts. Fieldwork’s scanning and reporting systems are used by companies all over the world to manage traps in IPM Programs in some of the largest Food facilities, Airports, and Amusement Parks. Track every detail of every station with ease.
With the Fieldwork mobile app there is no need for expensive proprietary handhelds. Simply use your iOS or Android smart phone or tablet to instantly start scanning, tracking and generating trend data.
Traps can be added and removed directly in the mobile app while you are working on site providing you the ability to work effective in the field.
Trend Reporting
Pest trend analysis is gathered online for easy reporting and integrated in your customer portal providing simplified access to reports and graphs that track activity trends and provide detailed analysis. At a glance you can view what was captured, what evidence has been found. Visualize increased activity levels at a glance so that you can proper asses problem areas and address issues quickly.
The customer portal data provides insight to overall statistics for the location and the ability to drill down to view trap level details.
Digital Log Book
Diagraming Facilities
What type of data is recorded?
- Scan Time
- Device condition
- Exceptions
- Bait condition
- Per station chemical use
- Captures
- Evidence
Impress your customers and auditors with detailed data that provides real insight on pest activity in your IPM program. Meet regulatory guidelines, streamline monitoring processes and enjoy the piece of mind that you, your customers, and auditors will have the information they need when they need it.